Chilean visual artist and performer
Bachelor of Arts Studies from the University of Chile
My visual work is an inquiry into social, existential and political issues that account for the state of being in today's society. This inquiry is based on intuition, deep research and my personal experience, transcended by resilience.
I propose controversial and radical actions and installations, which appeal to the intuition of the spectators, by suggesting unusual images. My creation is a visual and corporal reflection about human existence, seeking to generate a space of resistance, an oscillation of poetry and a questioning zone.
I was a member of the group of artists APJ (Agrupación de Plásticos Jovenes), together with whom I made several street actions, graffiti, murals, posters, during the Military Dictatorship. In this framework I began to develop performance as a medium of my artistical expression, since 1985.
The year 1986 I made my first performance Dos preguntas, at Paseo Ahumada, which counted with the cooperation of Claudia Winther.
I worked 3 years as a stage painter for dance and opera in the painting workshop of the Municipal Theater of Santiago.
At the beginning of the 90s I participated in the group of artists Plástica Social, with whom I investigate in the concept of Art and city.
In 1999 I was invited to the II Bienal der Arte Joven, at the National Museum of Fine Arts, where I made a series of 90 performances, called The Body of Memory, whose central theme is the torture practiced systematically in Chile and in the world. This work broke with the concept of a work and a fixed space, it was altered every day.
I studied Pedagogy in Relaxation, various techniques: Qi gong, Eutonía de G. Alexander, Progressive Muscular Relaxation of E. Jakobson, Respiratory Techniques, etc. in Kommunikatives Bildungswerk, KODI, Dortmund, Germany, 2007.
I have learned and practiced Hatha Yoga with different teachers in Chile, since 1998. In Germany I learned Satyananda Yoga and Yoga Nidra with Master Anup Sihng.
Since the year 2017 I am one of the artists of the collective exhibition Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960-1985, at the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, California, at the Brooklyn Museum in New York, USA and at the Pinacoteca de Sao Paulo, Brazil, curated by Cecilia Fajardo-Hill and Dr. Andrea Giunta. The first exhibition of its kind in the history of contemporary art.
During the years 2017-2018 I was assistant professor holding the seminar Introduction to Performance, part of the graduate program of theatrical stage direction at the Faculty of Theater of the University of Chile.
The Phoenix Museum, Arizona, United States, with the support of the FAVA Foundation, acquired several works of my authorship, for its permanent collection. .
My projects have been supported by the Ministry of Culture NRW, Germany and the National Council of Culture and the Arts, Chile, on several occasions, since 2006.
Selected Individual and group exhibitions
Selected individual exhibitions
2018 Installation La Torre Vive, (The tower), series Intersubjetividad Urbana, Torre GAM, Santiago, Chile
2017 Performance Verbum Adiectivus, (Adjektive Verb) in the context of Editatón, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile
2017 Performance Este es mi cuerpo, (This is my body) building facade of Museo de Arte Contemporáneo MAC, Santiago, Chile
2017 Exhibition Dibujar el límite, (Drawing the limit) Museo de Arte Contemporáneo MAC, Santiago, Chile
2015 Performance La tarjeta, (The card) series In Situ, Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, Santiago, Chile
2015 Performance-Installation Distopía, series In Situ, Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, Santiago, Chile
2015 Performance-Installation El Velorio del ángel, (The visitation of the angel) series In Situ, Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, Santiago, Chile
2015 Performance Nemeln, (The word) series In Situ, Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, Santiago, Chile
2015 Performance-Installation El Reflejo, (The reflection) series In Situ, Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, Santiago, Chile
2014 Performance-Installation Exhumar la memoria, (Exhume the memory) Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, Santiago, Chile
2013 Performance-Installation Die Entfernung, (The distance) Frauenmuseum Bonn, Germany
2013 Performance-Instalación Die weißen Stunden, (The white hours) series Dibujar el límite, Galería 0, Cologne, Germany
2013 Performance-Instalación Ama-gi, serie Dibujar el límite, Galería 0, Cologne, Germany
2013 Performance-Instalación Deshojar, (Delaminating) series Dibujar el límite Galería 0, Cologne, Germany
2013 Performance-Instalación Das Fremde, (The foreign) series Dibujar el límite, Galería 0, Germany
2013 Performance-Instalación Blindness, series Dibujar el límite, Galería 0, Germany
2013 Performance-Instalación Carmín, (Carmine) series Dibujar el límite, Galería 0, Colonia, Germany
2013 Exposición Geometría Corporal (Corporal geometry) Gallery Kunstkontor, Colonia, Germany
2012 Performance-Instalación Anomie, (Lawlessness) series Dibujar el límite, Galería 0, Colonia, Alemania
2011 Installation and objects: Entre líneas (Between the lines), Kunstkontor Gallery, Cologne, Germany
2010 Performance Sacer dolor (Holy grief) Martin Luther Church, Cologne, Germany
2010 Installation Sacra sitis (Holy thrist) (100 m²) Martin Luther Church, Cologne, Germany
2010 Installation Sacra fames (Holy hunger) (25 m2) Martin Luther Tower, Cologne, Germany
2009 Installation Secluded at the artist’s home (38 m²) Cologne, Germany
2008 Installation Farewell at the artist’s home (53 m2). Dortmund, Germany
2007 Exhibition Extranjero (Foreign) Camera Obscura Gallery, Dortmund, Germany
2006 Performance Desolación (Desolation) Art- Isotope Gallery, Night of the Museums, Dortmund, Germany
2006 Installation Isolation (Isolation) at the artist’s house (53 m2), Dortmund, Germany
2004 Installation Radiografía (X-Ray) at the artist’s home (53 m²) Dortmund, Germany
2004 Exhibition Mácula (Taint) Bonifatius Church, Dortmund, Germany
2002 Exhibition Humanos (Humans), Etage Eins, Gallery-Lounge, Dortmund, Germany
2001 Exhibition Perros peleando (Dogfight) Gerda Türke Gallery, Dortmund, Germany
2000 Exhibition Las huellas del dolor (The Traces of Pain) Schmerztherepeutisches Zentrums, St.-Marien Hospitals Lünen, Germany
1998 Three Performances La herida (The Wound ) Santiago, Valparaiso, Chile. Buenos Aires, Argentina
1998 Performance La locura (The Madness), Perrera-Arte Experimental Centre . Santiago, Chile
1998 Serie Ciudad Tóxica (Toxic City Series) two performances, Santiago, Chile
1990 Performance La sangre, el río y el cuerpo (the blood, the river and the Body Series) Mapocho River, Santiago, Chile
1990 Performance La Línea, lateral Facade of the Faculty of Law, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
1986 Performance Dos Preguntas (Two Questions) Collaboration by C. Winter. Paseo Ahumada, Santiago Chile
Selected group exhibitions
2019 Exhibition Santiago, Ciudad Destino, Room Visual Arts, GAM, Santiago, Chile
2018 Exhibition Radical women: Latin American Art 1960-1985. Curators: Dra. Cecilia Fajardo-Hill y Dra. Andrea Giunta. Pinacoteca de Sao Paulo, Brasil
2018 Exhibition Radical women: Latin American Art 1960-1985. Curators: Dra. Cecilia Fajardo-Hill y Dra. Andrea Giunta. Museo Brooklyn, New York, EEUU
2017 Exhibition Radical women: Latin American Art 1960-1985. Curators: Dra. Cecilia Fajardo-Hill y Dra. Andrea Giunta. Hammer Museo, Los Ángeles, California, EEUU
2016 Exhibition El cuerpo de la memoria and video Azogue, in context of X Encuentro Ex-céntrico, of Hemispheric Institute of Performance & Policy, of New York. Faculty of Economy and Business, Universidad de Chile, Santiago
2016 Exhibition Dos preguntas, in the context of Poner el cuerpo. LLamamientos de arte y política en los años ochenta en América Latina" Curators: Javiera Manzi, Paulina Varas, Museo Salvador Allende, Santiago, Chile
2016 Installation El mar, la calle y las sillas, (the sea, the street and the chairs) Memoria Viva 1973-2016, curator: Monserrat Rojas, Centex del CNCA, Valparaíso, Chile
2014 Performance Azogue, Biennal Deformes, Theater Faculty, Universidad de Chile, Santiago
2013 Installation Gang, in the context of chapter 17 „Wir werden“, Galería 0, Cologne, Alemania
2012 Video Installation in the context of Imágenes extremas de mujeres a través de la combatividad y de la resistencia, curator: Dr. Irene Ballester, Matadero Center, Madrid, España
2011 Art Fair, Frauenmuseum, Bonn, Germany
2011 Object Ego Madona, in context of Egotrip, Museum für Verwandte Kunst, Cologne, Germany
2011 Installations.Ein-sam, Martin Luther Tower, Cologne, Germany
2010 Taese Art Fair, Cologne, Germany
2008 Performance Der Rand, in the context of the Exhibition Zerstörung and the release of Clownfisch, Kunsthalle, Wuppertal, Germany
2006 Installation Das Spiel (The game) in the context of the Exhibition Artor-Wand. Art- Isotope Gallery, Dortmund, Germany
2005 Performance A-Test (A-Test) Forum Radius 100 Depot, Dortmund, Germany
2004-2003 Installation Habeas Corpus, in the context of Huellas del recuedo (Traces of Memory) IG Metall, Sprockhövel and Berlin, Germany
2004-2003 Serie Biografía de mi Cuerpo 6 performances (Biography of my Body Series)Dar a luz_Findlinge. Theaterzwang Festival, Depot, Dortmund. Seis Performances. Ensemble kultopia / Holger Ziebler und Uta Püttmann Produktion, Brotfabrik, Bonn, Alemania
2003 Performance El ausente (The Absentee) in the context of the event: Chile. September 11, 1973, 30 years.after Bochum Museum of Art, Germany
1999 Series El Cuerpo de la memoria (The Body of Memory) Ninety performances and Installations. II Bienal de Arte joven, South Wing National Museum of Fine Arts, Santiago, Chile
1998 Performance El Imbunche (The Imbunche), Performance in the context of the exhibition Anamorphosis: a secret point of view. Museum of Contemporary Art, Santiago, Chile
1997 Performance La Crucifixión (The Crucifixion) Performance at the Chiloe Museum of Modern Art, in the context of a interdisciplinary Project: Art and Botanic
1997 Exhibition of paintings, M. Paz Marambio Gallery, Haytt Regency Hotel. Santiago, Chile
1997 Remanentes (Debris) exhibition of paintings. Museum of decorative Arts, Santiago, Chile
1997 Exhibition of paintings Plaza San Francisco Gallery, Santiago Chile
1986 Installation, painting, graphics with the A.P.J. Group, Mapocho Cultural Centre, Santiago, Chile
1985 Installation, painting, graphics with the A.P.J. Group Enrico Bucci Gallery, Santiago, Chile
Selected group exhibitions
2019 Exhibition Santiago, Ciudad Destino, Room Visual Arts, GAM, Santiago, Chile
2018 Exhibition Radical women: Latin American Art 1960-1985. Curators: Dra. Cecilia Fajardo-Hill y Dra. Andrea Giunta. Pinacoteca de Sao Paulo, Brasil
2018 Exhibition Radical women: Latin American Art 1960-1985. Curators: Dra. Cecilia Fajardo-Hill y Dra. Andrea Giunta. Museo Brooklyn, New York, EEUU.
2017 Exhibition Radical women: Latin American Art 1960-1985. Curators: Dra. Cecilia Fajardo-Hill y Dra. Andrea Giunta. Hammer Museo, Los Ángeles, California, EEUU.
2016 Exhibition El cuerpo de la memoria and video Azogue, in context of X Encuentro Ex-céntrico, of Hemispheric Institute of Performance & Policy, of New York. Faculty of Economy and Business, Universidad de Chile, Santiago
2016 Exhibition Dos preguntas, in the context of Poner el cuerpo. LLamamientos de arte y política en los años ochenta en América Latina" Curators: Javiera Manzi, Paulina Varas, Museo Salvador Allende, Santiago, Chile
2016 Instalation El mar, la calle y las sillas, ( The sea, the street and the chairs ) Memoria Viva 1973-2016, curator: Monserrat Rojas, Centex del CNCA, Valparaíso, Chile
2014 Performance Azogue, Biennal Deformes, Theater Faculty, Universidad de Chile, Santiago.
2013 Instalation Gang, in the context of chapter 17 „Wir werden“, Galería 0, Cologne, Alemania
2012 Video Instalation in the context of Imágenes extremas de mujeres a través de la combatividad y de la resistencia, curator: Dr. Irene Ballester, Matadero Center, Madrid, España
2011 Art Fair, Frauenmuseum, Bonn, Germany.
2011 Object Ego Madona, in context of Egotrip, Museum für Verwandte Kunst, Cologne, Germany
2011 Instalations.Ein-sam, Martin Luther Tower, Cologne, Germany.
2010 Taese Art Fair, Cologne, Germany
2008 Performance Der Rand, in the context of the Exhibition Zerstörung and the release of Clownfisch Kunsthalle, Wuppertal, Germany
2006 Instalation Das Spiel (The game) in the context of the Exhibition Artor-Wand. Art- Isotope Gallery, Dortmund, Germany.
2005 Performance A-Test (A-Test) Forum Radius 100 Depot, Dortmund, Germany
2004-2003 Instalation Habeas Corpus, in the context of Huellas del recuedo (Traces of Memory) IG Metall, Sprockhövel and Berlin, Germany.
2004-2003 Serie Biografía de mi Cuerpo 6 performances (Biography of my Body Series)Dar a luz_Findlinge. Theaterzwang Festival, Depot, Dortmund. Seis Performances. Ensemble kultopia Holger Ziebler und Uta Püttmann Produktion, Brotfabrik, Bonn, Alemania.
2003 Performance El ausente (The Absentee) in the context of the event: Chile. September 11, 1973, 30 years.after Bochum Museum of Art, Germany.
1999 Series El Cuerpo de la memoria (The Body of Memory) Ninety performances and Installations. II Bienal de Arte joven, South Wing National Museum of Fine Arts, Santiago, Chile
1998 Performance El Imbunche (The Imbunche), Performance in the context of the exhibition Anamorphosis: a secret point of view. Museum of Contemporary Art, Santiago, Chile
1997 Performance La Crucifixión (The Crucifixion) Performance at the Chiloe Museum of Modern Art, in the context of a interdisciplinary Project: Art and Botanic.
1997 Exhibition of paintings, M. Paz Marambio Gallery, Haytt Regency Hotel. Santiago, Chile.
1997 Remanentes (Debris) exhibition of paintings. Museum of decorative Arts, Santiago, Chile
1997 Exhibition of paintings Plaza San Francisco Gallery, Santiago Chile
1986 Instalation, painting, graphics with the A.P.J. Group, Mapocho Cultural Centre, Santiago, Chile
1985 Instalation, painting, graphics with the A.P.J. Group Enrico Bucci Gallery, Santiago, Chile
Prize and Meritorious
2012 Sponsorship intercultural Projekts, of Ministry of Culture Cologne, Germany
2006 Competition of the Dortmund City, 1 Painting, title: El buscador
2002 Competition of the Dortmund City, 3 Painting, title: Series Humanos