There are 15 different objects, whose central point is a medal or medal to the authentic Nazi value, transformed and ironized by means of elements of everyday life.
1. Decorating Potato cutter, metal, 19 x 5 cm
2. Decorating Pizza Cutters, metal 20 x 9 cm
3. Decorating Strainer, metal, 18 x 7 cm
4. Beater Decoration, metal, 25 x 7 cm
5. Decoration Hairpins, metal, cloth, 13 x 11 cm.
6. Decoration Pinches of hair, metal, fabric, 13 x 11 cm
7. Decorating Tea strainer, metal, cloth, 12 x 12 cm.
8. Medal of honor Needle with Head, metal 14 x 11 cm.
9. Medal of honor Plain, metal, wood, silver threads, 25 x 13 cm.
10. Medal of Honor Mouse Trap, wood, shoulder rattle, 15 x 15 cm.
11. Medal of honor Thong, genre, copper paint
12. Medal of honor High-heeled shoes, shoes, paars, wood, fabric, paint / copper, 24 x 10 x 9 cm
13. Medal of honor Shopping bag, shoulder pads, plastic, cord, threads, 24 x 18 cm
14. Medal of honor Sponge
15. Decoration The black nylon body puppet, with a medal tied with nails at chest height. of
Thigh area hanging 12 black threads. Developed between 2007 and 2010, Measures 48 x 200 cm

Medals and Decorations
(Orders and decorations) 2007
Cologne, Germany
Cologne, Germany
Photo-Documentation: Michael Kuchenbecker